
CH. Moordair's Prophecy of Apollo SS

Monday, April 9, 2012

Onslow County Animal Control Newsletter is FULL of Misinformation!

Onslow County Animal Control Newsletter is FULL of Misinformation! 
 Been Some Months, BUT I’m Baaaaccckkkkk!  AND with new information! 
Onslow County Animal Services has misinformation publicized, thanks to the belief that the H$U$ is all knowing.   For example:   http://www.onslowcountync.gov/animalservices/  In the February 2012 newsletter, they post information about “Importance of Spaying and Neutering”.   Let’s look at the “70,000 puppies and kittens born everyday”.   BULL CRAP!   Horse pucky!   And just plain Manure.   There is absolutely NO, I report, NO factual, researchable material supporting this fact.   This is taken directly from one of the H$U$ propaganda sheets.  So, logically, if this misinformation is full of misinformation, it stands to reason, the rest of this article is full of misinformation about the number of births for dogs and cats.   You would be absolutely correct.   There are varying factors involved which further prove this cannot be correct.  For example, a Great Dane does NOT go into season until well after its first (1st) birthday.  Great Danes typically only have 1 heat cycle per year, and while litters can be large, alas Great Danes have a shorter life than a dachshund.  This is basically true for ALL Giant breeds.  So, we have proven this information posted in the February 2012 newsletter FALSE!  Now, let us take the small dachshund.  Heat cycles can begin at 6 months, but this can be a variable statistic, too.   Many times a smaller breed can and do have smaller litters.  Also, rare do they go into heat exactly every 6 months.   So, we have another false statement.  

One thing we do agree on, “people’s irresponsibility” is at fault.  With that statement in mind, let us focus on the animal population.  People:  THERE IS NO PET OVERPOPULATION!   There is an OWNER RETENTION PROBLEM!    Repeat after me:  There is not a pet overpopulation problem.  There is an Owner Retention problem.  

Also, repeat this mantra:   NOBODY within the Onslow County Animal Control has a degree or experience in ANIMAL HUSBANDRY.   In fact, many vets are not experienced in the ins and outs of animal husbandry.  BUT, you know who is?   The cattle ranch owner.  The responsible dog breeder who tests for possible diseases within the breed.  The horse breeder.   Get the picture?

Now, onto the April, 2012 newsletter.  Let’s look at the article, “Rabies Vaccinations and their importance.”    While it is agreed, vaccinations, especially rabies vaccinations are important, there are a number of reasons our pets cannot have them.   A more viable alternative is the “TITER” Test.  The Veterinarian tests the animal to see what the titers are in relations to a shot potency.   IF the titer is high enough, there is NO NEED to have the animal receive a yearly booster shot.  In fact, it could actually hurt the animal.  Dr. Jean Dodd is a leading veterinarian in this movement to NOT over-vaccinate our pets.  Her “Verified latest vaccination protocols” are here:   http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/DODDS-CHG-VACC-PROTOCOLS.HTM    So, we see another article with some misinformation given to the general public, and the general public doesn’t know any better. 

To wrap up this episode on the problem with reality education , we go to the link called “Why to Spay or Neuter.”   First, click on the link and you will see where the information comes from:   H$U$.   That should give one pause for reflection since we have proven time and again this Animal Rights groups utilizes misinformation which is promulgated to the general public who don’t know better.  Click on the link and start reading.  Notice after the numbers the H$U$ claims this is “their” estimates.  NOT FACTS.  However, they would have you believe this is fact.  Many believe this is fact.  It is NOT.  Especially NOT true is the number of purebreds.  Other, more verifiable information has this at 2% or below, depending on where one lives in relations to the USA.  Again, we see the misinformation about the number of heat cycles and litters and pups in litters.  Well, we prove this false, didn’t we?    Now, as we read onward, there is a discussion about spaying and neutering, and many vets are now saying that it is NOT in the animals’ best interest to early spay and neuter.   Especially in giant breeds, like the Great Dane, there are recommendations to NOT alter one until after the 1st heat cycle or until 2 years of age.  There are a multitude of problems which can be caused if a Great Dane is altered too young.  Impedes growth and development.  Bone doesn’t from correctly and causes other diseases.  Joints can become malformed. http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/09/23/hormone-imbalance-caused-by-spaying-or-neutering.aspx?aid=CD945    AND   http://saveourdogs.net/2009/03/28/summary-of-health-affects-of-spayneuter/      Even waiting and preparing can have negative side effects on some dogs.   http://www.naiaonline.org/pdfs/LongTermHealthEffectsOfSpayNeuterInDogs.pdf 

So, there you go.   Misinformation abounds, thanks to the animal rights networks and the H$U$.  

On another note, I mentioned months earlier, that the new director, Alan Davis, wherever he went, he used the H$U$ as a “bible” and he implemented massive changes to the animal controls.  Changes begin good, but they soon take on the insidious impact of an animal rights driven agenda.  It hasn’t happened here…. Yet.   However, the animal control advisory committee meets every so often, and since most, if not all of these members, are “infatuated” with H$U$, I am sure there are busily working to do something to corral our rights and give more rights to animals.   I am sure they are using an animal rights wording and craft to make changes to our animal control ordinance which works quite well.  However, it probably doesn’t work well enough for animal rightists.  So, stay tune.  It has to be coming.