Alan C. Davis, Onslow County’s new Animal Control Director and friend of H$U$
Yes, you read the title of this date’s blog entry correctly. Alan Davis had a long career as the director of the Broward County, Florida Animal Control from the 1980s until about 2007. While there several animal rights supported laws were enacted in an “effort” to protect the pets of Broward County, but what it really did was restrict the rights of humans in an “effort” to place critters above humans on an animal rights food chain. Countywide licensing of all pets was instituted and a computer program was acquired which enabled the director to tract rabies vaccinations and match them to licenses. If a person had pets vaccinated for rabies and didn’t get a license for each pet, the animal control “police” would be knocking on your door. So, rabies vaccinations were reported and the computer and director of BC animal control would take it from there. AND Talk about an invasion of privacy. We have a reasonable expectation of privacy when we take our pets to the vet, but in Broward County there is no privacy. The law there NOW has animal control officers conduct door-to-door licensing checks, and OH… rabies vaccination checks just because rabies is a problem. (Right……..) Fees were increased for adoptions at the animal control, and interesting to note, each place he worked at, from Broward County to now, he had the H$U$ as a link on the animal control website. Here are some excerpts of articles from a newspaper in Florida:
From Broward County, Florida he was hired by Oakland, California as its new animal control director, BUT that job only lasted 3 (THREE) months before he suddenly left. It left that animal control in turmoil. However, prior to his leaving, he ensured that fees were increased at that animal control. AND (This article states he had received a BETTER offer from his previous employer in Broward County, Florida, and this was his reason for his abrupt resignation.) AND,E&p_text_date-0=2007&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=(animal%20control)&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=_freq_:D&xcal_useweights=no
Alan Davis obtained the job of Animal Shelter Manager in King County, California in about November 2007, but he resigned after only two weeks on the job. This article mentions the Oakland resignation and offers more history on Alan Davis and his trips between various animal controls. There were questions about his hiring here in King County, CA and in Broward County, FL an investigation found problems within animal control while he was director.
Alan Davis obtained the job of Animal Shelter Manager in King County, California in about November 2007, but he resigned after only two weeks on the job. This article mentions the Oakland resignation and offers more history on Alan Davis and his trips between various animal controls. There were questions about his hiring here in King County, CA and in Broward County, FL an investigation found problems within animal control while he was director.
Alan Davis showed up as the Director of the Dona Ana County Humane Society in New Mexico. He had the H$U$ come in and do a $25,000 - $35,000 evaluation of program. If one knows anything about the H$U$ and its “evaluations” they are NOT worth the money paid for them. The money just goes into a legislative stockpile used in efforts to remove the rights of humans. Since Alan Davis had/has so many years in this field, WHY need some group telling him what he should have known all ready? Differential licensing, forced alteration of pets unless pet owners want to pay higher licensing fee was started during this time with the assistance of Alan Davis at the helm of the humane society.
Alan Davis next arrived in Fulton County, Georgia as its animal control director. While there, he began several animal rights and H$U$ supported measures such as Anti-tethering, animal licensing, using H$U$ propaganda especially H$U$ pet overpopulation and 10 reasons to alter…… This is run by the Barking Hound Village. Luxury doggie digs.
Now, he is here in Onslow County. As one can tell, this is the smallest community animal shelter he has been a director of since…… Well, we don’t know. From the 1980s on, he was animal control director on in big metropolitan areas. In one article it mentions family and some family difficulties, and this appears it might be a reason for so many moves. Family problems of any type are stressful but still, WHY did he downgrade from big cities and counties to here? Why is he here and how did he come to be here? How was he made the Animal Control Director at Onslow County Animal Control? So many questions and NO answers.
Now, he is here in Onslow County. As one can tell, this is the smallest community animal shelter he has been a director of since…… Well, we don’t know. From the 1980s on, he was animal control director on in big metropolitan areas. In one article it mentions family and some family difficulties, and this appears it might be a reason for so many moves. Family problems of any type are stressful but still, WHY did he downgrade from big cities and counties to here? Why is he here and how did he come to be here? How was he made the Animal Control Director at Onslow County Animal Control? So many questions and NO answers.
I think I may know him