
CH. Moordair's Prophecy of Apollo SS

Sunday, October 30, 2011

While Waiting for More Information About Alan C. Davis, Back to Who’s Who on Those Boards

While Waiting for More Information About Alan C. Davis, Back to Who’s Who on Those Boards
Dangerous Dog Appeal Board
This board will review dangerous dog determinations which will be made by the Animal Services Director.  And still, no information about the search for this person and how it was going.   Members were named to the board.   All were appointed by the Onslow County Board of Commissioners and were assigned for a 3- year, staggered, term.  Their names are as follows:  
1.     Michael Gallagher 
2.     Lisa Meredith  
3.     Larry Johnson 
4.     Claudine M. Sisson 
5.     Mary R. Thomas 
Who are these people?  It was stated in the BOC meeting there were advertisements for openings on the internet and on cable tv.   Why not the newspaper?  Could there not have been some more ways to reach the general public?

1.   Michael Gallagher:   It seems he has been appointed by the BOC before, and one appointment was to the Minimum Housing Board of Appeals.  
http://onslow.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=onslow_1e51c0bf1fc22bf1c0abc5b83cb837a7.pdf     He is the Fire Chief of the Sneads Ferry Volunteer Fire Department.  http://bb10.com/NC-Yellow-Pages/Sneads-Ferry/Onslow-County/Sneads-Ferry-Fire-House/9103273055/index.htm     So, he has been involved and in the “know” with Onslow County for a few years.

2.   Lisa Meredith:   She moved with her parents and has lived here about 11 years.  College educated.  She is the owner of  The Meredith Wolf Education and Conservation Den, a Jacksonville Wolf Conservation which she established in 2007. 
http://www.encorepub.com/welcome/?p=10605  and   http://www.thewolfconservation.com/    

3.   Larry Johnson:   He is a former Onslow County Sheriff’s deputy who now works for County Code Enforcement.  
http://www.enctoday.com/news/johnson-64125-jdn-sheriff-brown.html     He is a long time resident of Onslow County and very well known in the county.  

4.     Claudine M. Sisson:   She lives in Richlands. This is all that could be found out about her, for now.  
5.     Mary R. Thomas:   Little information.  Will be conducting more research into this person. 

Onslow County Animal Services Advisory Committee.  

1.     Dr. Robert M. Sheegog, Jr.                       Veterinarian.   
2.     Susan B. Tuman                                       Animal Welfare/Rescue
3.     Regina V. Carbonari                                Citizen At-Large
4.     James Marapoti                                       Citizen At-Large  
5.     Carolyn Rouse                                          Citizen At-Large 
6.     Dotty Ann Harding                                  Citizen At-Large
7.     Stephen Webb                                         Citizen At-Large 

And who are these people and are they qualified to be “Objective” rather than influenced by the animal rights agenda which appears to be moving into this area? 

1.     Dr. Robert M. Sheegog, Jr:    This man has been a veterinarian in Onslow County for decades.  He, also, has an office in Sneads Ferry.   http://topsailnccoc.weblinkconnect.com/CWT/External/wcpages/WCDirectory/Directory.aspx?CategoryID=8&Title=VETERINARIANS&AdKeyword=VETERINARIANS   This is a web link for Topsail Island Chamber of Commerce.  Why is this important?   Keep reading about the names on this list.   And, he is a member of the Jacksonville Rotary Club.  Why is this mentioned?  Keep reading.  

2.     Susan B. Tuman:    President of Operation Topcat (caring for feral cats)  on Topsail Island, and she lives on North Topsail Island with a spouse, Daniel.  Susan has been on the planning board of NTSB and her spouse, is Mayor of NTSB.   Very familiar in the county.   (However, Operation Topcat’s home base is located in Sneads Ferry:  

3.     Regina V. Carbonari:  She was/is a legal officer in the USMC.  
www.marines.mil/unit/mcasnewriver/.../VWAP%20contact%20list.do  However, according to this, she is supposed to be transferred to Houston, TX.   http://www.marines.mil/news/messages/Pages/MARADMIN482-11.aspx/    Don’t know how she will perform the duties of a member of this committee when she is living in Texas. 

4.     James Marapoti:   His spouse and he live in Jacksonville.  He was working on the Grants/Fundraising activities for the Animal Advisory Groups setting up all that was coming to be.  He is a retired USMC Colonel.  

5.     Carolyn Rouse:   Lives in the southwest area and has been a long time resident of Onslow County.  
http://www.jdnews.com/articles/helpless-91314-survived-community.html    Has worked with Operation Topcat on Topsail Island, with   Susan Tuman.   She is a retired Labor and Delivery nurse.   http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-166313789.html

6.     Dotty Ann Harding.     Owner, Founder, President Onslow County Partners for Animal Welfare.  OC-PAW.  
http://onslow-county-partners-for-animal-welfare-inc-sneads-ferry-n.assistance-from-nonprofits.aidpage.com/      Lives in Sneads Ferry.    http://www.oc-paw.com/    While she only spend half her year in NC, she has claimed Sneads Ferry, NC as her permanent residence.    http://www.all-natural-dog-treat.com/dotty-ann-harding-president-and-founder-of-onslow-county-partners-for-animal-welfare-inc-ocpaw.html      A member of the Sneads Ferry Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow (donated a $1,000.00 or more).    http://www.sneadsferryrotary.com/foundation.htm   OC-PAW is on Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Onslow-County-Partners-for-Animal-Welfare/157557480940628   By the way,  something interesting in that she mentioned animal rights in an article written in the Wilmington newspaper:    http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20110821/ARTICLES/110829961/1004?Title=OC-PAW-provides-vaccines-for-Animal-Control    She is a retired Operating Romm Nurse. 

7.     Stephen Webb:   It appears he is the principal owner of All American Sign Shop, Inc. in Sneads Ferry, NC.   
http://www.manta.com/g/mms9pxx/steve-webb    and president of Snoopys No. 1, Inc. in Sneads Ferry.   http://www.manta.com/g/mm2tpsh/steve-webb    and   http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?PitemId=5057369   Was one of the owners of Atlanta Station and Snoopy’s was started in Raleigh in 1978.    http://shrimpconnect.com/images/our-state-magazine.pdf   

*****Interesting to note in this Animal Control Advisory Committee:    Look at the city most of them live in or around or who is associated with whom.   See a pattern?   There is a Six Degrees of Separation going on here.  In fact, it is less than the six degrees.   Top heavy with influential, higher income people from the Sneads Ferry/Topsail Island area or related to them by a degree.  NOBODY from the ends of the county.  NOBODY from the Hubert or Swansboro or Maysville/Belgrade area.  NOBODY from the Richlands area.   NO Hunters!   NO responsible breeders!   NO Exotic Animal Owners!  NOBODY who UNDERSTANDS hunting or breeding dogs, or cats or guinea pigs.  AND, ALL of these people were approved by the Onslow County Board of Commissioners.  It seems like those in the “know” knew about the committee and “Volunteered” to be on it.   Talk about problems in Onslow County.   This is how animal rights advances in an area, my friends.  H$U$ is famous for having meetings with those who are well moneyed and well known politically or who have connections, and this is what has happened here in Onslow County.

1 comment:

  1. Let me first update you on the members of the committee: Carolyn Rouse and Gina Carbonari have both left the committee and have been replaced by Gary Evans and Glenn Camp. Now, on to the incorrect information. I live in Hubert and Mr. Evans is very close to Richlands. Hunters: Mr. Camp is an avid hunter and very involved in sporting compititions and field trials. Exotic animal owners: I currently own 2 Iguanas, 1 snake, 1 Tegu, and 1 Monitor. I have years of veterinary experience in exotic medicine. I do not own a sign shop, nor do I live in Sneads Ferry. I am a Veterinary Technician with 25 years in the field and dedicated to animal welfare. I have known Mr. Davis since he came to Onslow County and have never seen any clues that he is the animal rights activist you claim. Our meetings are at the library on Doris Ave. and are always open to the public. The next meeting is Monday, Oct. 8th from 6-8pm. If you can attend, we would love to have you and hear your comments or concerns. Hopefully we can also correct some of the misconceptions you have about the upcoming ordinance changes.

    Steve Webb
    Chairman, Onslow County Animal Services Advisory Committee
